Step 1

After installing the application, when you click on it, the following pop-up window will appear. Click on the "Open System Settings" button.


After clicking, the system settings menu will pop up. You need to turn on the switch for accessibility features (indicated by the arrow in the picture below). Once you have completed this step, you will be able to use the quick wake-up function.


Step 2

Currently, there are two ways to summon:

  1. Select the content and then press cmd+c+c, then use the up and down keys to select the corresponding bot, such as word lookup, translation, article refinement, etc., and then click Enter.
  2. Or, if you don't want to select the content, press cmd+option+K to bring up an input box. You can enter any command and then press enter. Alternatively, after you finish typing, use the up and down arrow keys to select different bots.


Step 3

After pressing Enter, the AI-generated results will appear. At this point, you can:

  1. Click Enter to copy the generated content to the clipboard.
  2. Press cmd + R to regenerate the content.
  3. Press cmd + J to open the chat window and continue with the question and answer in the chat window.
